Meet May

by Phoebe
Meet my new friend, May.  She is making her debut this winter in our new storybook, Freddie's Blanket, and will be on the road with me this winter.  Mother and Father are busy in their studios this very second putting finishing touches on this new book... I can't wait to show it to you!  The illustrations are coming along so well...

...and there are four new knitting patterns to accompany the story!

This is our wonderful photographer, Christa, holding her nephew, one of our models for the knitting patterns.  We love that this book is truly a family affair!

May is named after a wonderful Australian author named May Gibbs. We are captivated by her characters, Snugglepot and Cuddlepie, and have fallen for them just like we have fallen for our new knitted friends, the platypodes (this is the proper pluralization of platypus, in case you were wondering).

Welcome to the Slate Falls Press family, May!


  1. So sweet! This should be available just in time for the Niece's 3rd birthday!

  2. Platypodes? Really?!? I can't wait to tell my kids! (Also can't wait to see the new book!)


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