In which Angela brings chocolate from Brooklyn and we laugh all night at Allegra's...

by Joanna
Last weekend I was able to catch up with some friends at Fancy Tiger Crafts down in Denver. Allegra and Angela are such fun and creative people! Angela was in Denver filming a class for Craftsy, which should be available very soon, and Allegra came straight from performing a concert with Devotchka. 

Ysolda was presenting trunk shows from her two newest books and also doing a book signing. It was a great night to be at the shop.

This is, in my opinion, the best photo booth pic of the evening! Emily looks so happy.

We had so much fun chatting and visiting together. Angela brought some treats from her Brooklyn neighborhood. This is truly the best chocolate I have ever had.

I never seem to be able to leave Fancy Tiger empty handed- there are always a few things that just have to come home with me. The fabric has a special purpose which I will be able to reveal to you this spring... a little clue is that it has something to do with Allegra...


  1. This perfectly sums up our Friday night and early Saturday morning! I had so much fun laughing with you ladies. Definitely one of the highlights of my trip.

  2. I am so happy to hear you enjoyed our time! I hope you get to come back to Denver soon!


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