TNNA Goody Bags...

by Phoebe
You've seen the Loot Bag and the Treat Bag.
Today I have two new Goody Bags to show you!
Marly (aka Yarn Thing) put together a fun dinner for designers at TNNA in June. Not only did people get to visit, meet, network, and have fun, but everyone came home with a great goody bag of yarny treasures. I chose a few of my very favorite ones to share here: a Bitty Bag from Namaste, an edict project bag from Della Q, buttons (we love buttons!) from JHB, heel lotion from Soakwash, a turquoise knit kit from Knit Kit, and a rosewood crochet hook from Boye (which will come in very handy soon... more on that to come!) were some of our favorite things from the dinner.
Oh! I almost forgot this- Malabrigo Sock Yarn. This wasn't included in the first photo since it has already been knit up into something that I can't show you because it won't be published until this fall in an online magazine. Not Knitty, not Petite Purls, you will just have to wait and see!
Lastly, here is a grouping of things Mother was given just because... All were gifts from friends. Lavishea makes a delicious-smelling botanical lotion bar, our lovely friend Pavia at Miknitures handcrafts each piece of her knitted jewelry, Kniterella makes the niftiest project tags and bags, and Ysolda's newest book, Little Red, came signed with a personal note just for Mother... a project has already been cast on from the book. More on that later, too.

This post has three teases— something crochet related, a new pattern, and a fall sweater project. I promise I will let you know how everything stitches up!

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